Angie Paskevicius, the CEO of Master Builders’ Health Alliance member Holyoake, has been announced as the 2015 Telstra WA Business Woman of the Year.
Ms Paskevicius has been in charge at not-for-profit provider of alcohol and drug counselling and support programs Holyoake since 2007, but her career spans more than 30 years as a health practitioner, business owner, senior executive, coach, mentor and board member.
At the time of her appointment to the CEO role, the organisation was well regarded in the community but struggling financially. Ms Paskevicius led the development of a new strategic plan, recruited a team of talented people and went on to develop two social enterprises, DRUMBEAT and Wellbeing@Work, ensuring Holyoake today is less reliant on government funding.
She sits on Holyoake’s Board as an executive director, and since 2012, chairperson of interchange WA, in the disability sector.
“I am a big picture optimist,” she says. “I see the glass half full. I’m open to new ideas and always looking for opportunities to explore how we can do things differently or better.”
Telstra says its Business Women’s Awards are the longest running women’s award program in Australia. It says that for more than two decades the awards have championed women from diverse industries ensuring their achievements are recognised nationally.
The awards are said to allow women to take pride in all they accomplish and set bold goals to achieve even greater success. Awards winners and finalists join a vibrant alumni of “like-minded women helping to build a stronger, more productive more relevant Australia.”
Master Builders Magazine 2015