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Performance in your C-Suite Role: How to bring out your best

This is the final P in the 3P Coaching Framework (Planning, Preparation, Performance) that I have been talking about over the past few weeks in my posts – Performance.

The third and final ‘P’: Performance is about your ongoing performance once you are in a C-Suite role. It’s about being the best you can be in every aspect of your role. 

Starting with you

Whether you are relatively new to your C-Suite role or have been in the role for some time, it’s important to take the time to strengthen your self-awareness and focus on your own self development. This could involve re-clarifying your values and your ‘why’, better understanding your style of leadership and defining or refreshing your personal and professional brand. Doing a values clarification exercise and a personal SWOT (Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats) analysis are some activities that can provide invaluable insights into where to start this journey.

Fine-tuning specific skills

For many it may be time to fine tune your professional skills or identify areas that need strengthening or refreshing if you have been in your C-Suite role for some time. Areas you might want to focus on could be leading change, improving your public speaking, building high performance teams or just working out where you are at and what you what to achieve. If you are working directly with a board, a focus could be on better understanding how boards work in terms of board processes and board dynamics.

Strengthening relationships

Finally, developing and strengthening relationships is critical at this level. If you are a CEO, reporting to a board, this could be about strengthening or improving your relationship with the chair of the board. I’ve come across many CEOs who have challenging relationships with their chair or other directors on the board who benefit from working with a trusted advisor. Sometimes it may be about relationships with line reports or colleagues on the executive team. Relationship dynamics at work can play a major role in determining people’s level of job satisfaction and ultimately their performance in their role. Relationships with external stakeholders, suppliers and customers can also be an area that requires support. 

Below is the ‘bird’s eye view’ of the 3Ps model that provides an overview of the entire framework.