My parents were a strong influence in my life – in different ways. I am fortunate to have received special gifts from both parents. They’ve both passed away now. I still miss them both.
My mum was a tireless volunteer in the community. A caring person, always helping others, someone whom everyone loved. Often as a young person I helped my mum sell raffle tickets outside our newsagency to raise funds for different causes.
My gift from my mum is a strong desire to serve, to make a difference, to give back and operate from a strong values base.
My dad came to Australia from Lithuania with nothing just before WW2 began. He was just 24 and came to Australia to join his father. The war started and they were unable to bring the rest of the family out to Australia to live. He faced some difficult and challenging times in those early years. I’m now just starting to learn about some of these.
My gift from my dad is the desire to always strive to be the best I can be, to take responsibility for my own actions and to persevere in the face of adversity.
So I have a very clear purpose in life – to serve, to make a difference, to help others achieve their potential and ultimately to transform organisations, which I’ve come to learn that I love doing and am good at.
“You make a living by what you get. But you make a life by what you give.” –Winston Churchill