There is so much written today about ‘purpose’ – whether it’s about your own purpose as an individual or the purpose of organisations.
For me, your purpose is what drives you, it’s your ‘why’. It’s why you get out of bed every morning and do what you do. When we are ‘on purpose’ we find energy and meaning in our lives, we are passionate and connected to what we are doing. When our purpose is clear, it gives conscious context to what we do and how we do it.
Discovering your purpose is a process and for many people it can be a life-long journey. The more time we invest in discovering our purpose, the more we tend to understand it and the clearer it becomes.
Being clear about our purpose can help us be more effective in the work that we do on boards as Non-Executive Directors. When we are clear about our purpose it’s more likely that we gravitate towards directorships with organisations that are aligned with our purpose and values. We become more authentic Non-Executive Directors and we make more conscious choices and decisions at the boardroom table when there is alignment. When there is alignment of purpose and diversity around the boardroom table it’s not just a high performing board, but a rewarding place to be.
In my next article I will discuss how purpose comes into play when you are moving towards board roles.